Theatre at the Mill, Newtownabbey

'By the late nineteenth century, Belfast was one of the greatest centres for textile manufacture in the world. One of its most important production sites was Mossley Mill at Newtownabbey. Originally started as the Carnmoney Cotton Printing Works by an Ulster-Scot called David Bigger, it later became Mossley Mill, and the family name most associated with the mill is that of the Campbells.
In 1859, two entrepreneurial Ulster-Scots cousins called Henry and John Campbell, bought Mossley Mill. Both as businessmen and employers, they were remarkably progressive for their time, establishing a school, building homes for their workers and creating a new sports pavilion.   They were also shrewd businessmen, and invested well in new buildings and machinery.
The Campbell family continued to successfully run the Mill during the 20th century, but by the late 1970s, the business faced stiff competition from abroad. In 1978, Mossley Mill amalgamated with Barbour Threads of Hilden, but it closed in 1995.
In 1996, Newtownabbey Borough Council bought the site to create its new Civic Headquarters.'
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